Franconian dry

Silvaner and Riesling are our flagships, but Scheurebe, Pinots and red wines are also part of our diverse range of wines.

Wer wir sind

From best vineyards

Julius-Echter Berg, Kronsberg and Iphöfer Kalb – discover our most renowned vineyards.

Unsere Rebsorten


Our wines have already been awarded numerous
national and international prizes.

Unsere Lagen

Experience tradition

Visit our old wine cellar and discover rarities from the treasure chamber.

Auszeichnungen & Pressestimmen

Weingut Hans Wirsching – Viticulture since 1630

Welcome to the Home of Silvaner

„Franconia is our home and our identity. On the slopes of the Schwanberg, we accompany our vines as they bring heaven and earth together in their grapes, which we transform into distinctive wines in the cellar.”

Drinking wine is not only a brief moment of pleasure; it is an attitude to life. Like music or art, wine can inspire, surprise, awaken joy. Our ancestors’ attitude to life was already appreciated when they started growing wine in the 17th century. With passion and hard work, successive generations of the Wirsching family have succeeded in creating wines of exceptional elegance, clarity and expressiveness, which today receive international awards.

We owe this success to our outstanding team and the exceptional soils around the Schwanberg in Iphofen. Our almost 90 hectares of vineyards stand predominantly on gypsum keuper, formed in the lagoons of the dinosaur age and full of plant minerals. This unique terroir shapes our wines with its herbaceousness and richness, especially true of our Silvaner wines, which have become our trademark and are typical of the Franconian region. In addition to the Silvaners, our Scheurebe wines and Rieslings are also among the estate’s flagships – and with our innovative blends, wood barrel-aged Pinot varieties and multi-award-winning sweet wines, we prove that there is much more to us.

We look forward to your visit!

Your Wirsching family.


The Iphöfer Julius-Echter-Berg. One of the most renowned vineyards in Franconia.

Stay up to date



ProWein: 16-18 March in Düsseldorf

We are coming to ProWein, March 16-18 in Düsseldorf, Germany!

We will be there with the Wirsching team and look forward to meeting you:

Hall 1, Stand A130 (VDP stand)

We look forward to your visit!



In addition to the kosher Silvaner, we have also produced a kosher Riesling for the first time: 2023 Iphöfer Riesling trocken VDP.ORTSWEIN

>> find out more

It shows the typical fine minerality of the Keuper soil and has a wonderful length. The wine is “mevushal” because it was briefly heated. This means that the wine complies with the highest Jewish dietary regulations. State Rabbi Shlomo Bistritzky from Hamburg (see photo above / photographer: Stefan W. Römmelt) and Nuremberg Rabbi Eliezer Chitrik are responsible for the kosher implementation.

The project was initiated by several trips to Israel by Andrea Wirsching. “I fell in love with the country and its people.” The exchange between Germany and Israel is close to her heart. In 2016, the Wirsching estate joined the “TWIN-WINERY” initiative and has been exchanging experiences with the partner winery “Kishor” from Israel ever since.

>> more information about our kosher wines


Dry Wine Revolution Happening in Germany

“Many people might still associate Germany with sweet Riesling and sweet Riesling only, but that’s officially an antiquated way of thinking. Yes, high-quality bottlings of off-dry and sweet wines are still very much around. But over the last decade, Germany’s newer, dryer offerings—especially amongst the country’s high-end Rieslings—have sparked a dry wine revolution.”

>> read full article in the WINE ENTHUSIAST


Enjoying wine together even in these times

Press Reviews

“Nowhere is the density of excellent Silvaner greater than in Franconia. The vines are planted in the best locations and produce a dry white wine that goes excellently with food. State of the art are the bottlings of the Hans Wirsching winery in Iphofen.”

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